Conservative county councillor Sam Adeniji is delighted that planning consent has been granted to greatly improve Exceat Bridge in a project which involves the realignment and replacement of an existing single lane bridge at the A259 over the river Cuckmere, with a new two way, two lane bridge with a footpath, including re-profiling of the river and road embankments.
“This is fantastic news", said the Seaford North councillor "Along with local MP, Maria Caulfield, Conservatives have been campaigning to ensure that planning for the new, improved bridge is approved. "I am so pleased that it has now been given the go-ahead and work can finally start."
Cllr Adeniji has been involved in many meetings, with the key authorities as well as residents, to discuss how to get the new bridge approved.
Conservative-run East Sussex County Council undertook extensive local consultation over the proposed scheme options.
"I know this will be welcome news for residents", said Maria Caulfield MP who has chased the South Downs National Authority whose approval is mandatory before anything can be constructed within the National Park.
The new scheme also provides for a habitat creation area to restore agricultural land back into wetland on the east bank of Cuckmere Valley.